Rotary Club of Chadstone East Malvern

This week's meeting: Guest Speaker via Rotary Albert Park

We are taking the opportunity to join with Rotary Albert Park to hear Guest Speaker: Michelle Wade, Commissioner – South Asia, Global Victoria

The meeting will be held on zoom however via a different link. We need you to register to join us for this meeting.  Please contact Sandi if she can assist you with the booking process.  

Click here to book and get the link


The Corner of President Michael:

Two Zoom meetings in a row (nothing different about that over 2020 and 2021 J) but oh how different they were.

A fantastic fun evening on Wednesday 11 August where we gathered for on-line trivia.  Captains stepped forward and teams were hastily formed before we launched into a battle of wits comprising our knowledge on all things Rotary and Olympics.   Maximum points scored for fastest to the button and correct answer amongst five teams but alas, there can only be one winner.  Congratulations to the winning team!  Thanks to the organising team of Tania, Alick, Jayden and Sandi to nail down all of the questions and the format using Kahoot.   Lots of fun.  Lots of laughs. Plenty of wit.  It was a Kahoot and President’s decree that we line up for re-match in 2022.

The contrast for the following week was our People and Culture (P&C) enablement team conducting an inspiring presentation.  Each of the P&C portfolio leads took us through their portfolio and the opportunities we have to be an even greater club across our diversity, equity, inclusion, welfare, new generations membership and career opportunities.   Well done Cheryl (DEI), Rosemary (Welfare), Vaishnavi (New Generations) and Andrea (Rotary Career) on your presentations. We are motivated by your enthusiasm that each of you bring to your portfolios and the importance of each one of these areas for our club.   An introduction to the Rotary International (RI) resources on DEI showed that we still have room to learn and potential practices to apply and with the discussion led by Paul on the proposal to make an amendment to our definition of ‘family’ and the ball is now firmly in our court to grow, cultivate and nurture RCEM into the future.  Well done P&C team.


This week we gather for another Zoom but with another twist.  Some short fellowship time and we will then be hosted by Rotary Albert Park as guests to look and listen to Michelle Wade, Commissioner – South Asia, Global Victoria. We look forward to having you join us for this very informative speaker.

Check out our refreshed looking Website - We hope you like it 

Take a look at:


Drinking Water to School Children in Vanuatu

Another highly successful International project that is almost complete - the provision of drinking water for schools in Vanuatu thanks Rotary Chadstone/East Malvern.

Let's collect Breadtags for Wheelchairs:

 Please save your Breadtags and Tania will be back next issue of Chaddy Chatter with all the details.


Community Service Update:

Last Saturday the Community Team “Zoomed” together to firm up what our focuses will be this coming year. Great to see Sandi, Frank, Tania, Jeremiah and George.  

The Community Projects for the coming year that will be keeping up engaged and busy:

  • Sleeping out rough night on 26 November – save the date. We will be planning, given the current climate, to revert to sleeping in Club members backyards/decks. Looking for members to volunteer their backyard/decks. Of course, if we can gather in Central Park we will pivot to this option, permitting.
  • Tania will be collecting your anything foil/ including wine tops and bread tags when we are next able to meet in person. Drink and eat up fellow Rotarians.
  • Volunteers are needed to help sort 6 boxes of donated toiletries that will be sent to our Indigenous students in the Northern Territory to help eradicate trachoma. This is being done as part of the 1000 Toiletry Kit project that Sandi is running with EndTrachoma. Dawn has already labelled 500 water bottles. Please contact Sandi if you are able to assist one Saturday morning when we are not in lockdown. :)
  • Updating of the George Pepperell Pavilion is all steam ahead with proposed dates 16 & 17 October.
  • RIMERN support is being sought to volunteer to undertake a variety of tasks.

 Thanks, MIchele

Save your foil and raise funds for Stem Cell Research:

Anything foil……

  • Foil sheets that hold tablets,
  • Foil pie and pastry containers,
  • Aluminium wine bottle tops,
  • Clean coffee pods,
  • Dog and cat food containers etc etc etc...

Further detail to come next Chaddy Chatter.

For your Diary:


Zone 8 Conference - Day 1
September 11, 2021, 11:30 am to September 11, 2021, 3:30 pm

So many great speakers. Who would like to join up and watch this event?

Book now via the website:

Zone 8 Conference - Day 2
September 12, 2021, 11:30 am to September 12, 2021, 3:00 pm

So many great speakers. Who would like to join up and watch this event?

Book now via the website:

December 4, 2021, 10:00 am to December 4, 2021, 3:00 pm

Helpers are needed for this exciting opportunity.

Please contact Louise Matthews to advise what you can do on the day. 

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Workshop
September 19, 2021, 9:30 am to September 19, 2021, 1:00 pm

Please let Michele Kennedy know if you would like to attend what will be a very informative workshop

Bookings for this event are via:

Image of the week:

Thanks to Lyle for this week's contribution  

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