President Kennedy's Monthly Recap - Jan 2023
Rotary Chadstone/East Malvern is gearing up for what we see as a very busy run up to the end of the current Presidential year.
We have kicked off 2023 with our Bunnings BBQ, 'The Market' at Phoenix Park - our first one for 2023, has had an abundance of great media coverage. Also, the planning for our Sleeping Out Rough Night on Friday 17th March is well underway.
Congratulations to Garry Fabian who was honoured with the Medal (OAM) of the Order of Australia in the General Division. Garry was acknowledged for his work in the Jewish Community, as a Writer, the Community including Rotary, and Ex-Serviceman's Organisations. Garry was presented with an Order of Merit by the Federal Republic of Germany in 2021.Congratulations Garry.

'The Market' at Phoenix Park

Drop by Phoenix Park Community Centre this Saturday for 'The Market'.
If you have never been to our Market, here is a sneak peak showing what you are missing.
Video created by Sam from the NextGen group.

BusyFeet needs Volunteers
Do you know anyone who can spare one hour on a Tuesday afternoon to dance with some special children with special needs?
BusyFeet is looking for some more volunteers to help with this wonderful dance program that is in it's 11th year. The dance sessions are held each Tuesday during the School Term from 4:30pm to 5:15pm at Phoenix Park.
If you are available or know someone else who might be, please contact Rosemary Johnston via email:

Dignity & Safety for Women in Cambodia - NOW A MAJOR PROJECTÂ

Rotary Chadstone/East Malvern is heavily involved in driving change for women in Cambodia.
We are about to take a massive step by leading 14 Rotary Clubs from 7 different Rotary Districts around the globe (including USA, Thailand, Ireland and Australia) to change the lives of two whole villages in Cambodia.
The project will involve construction of about 350 Washroom Toilets at a cost of about $US220k.
A Washroom Toilet is an engineer designed septic tank toilet but is built wider so there is extra space for women to bath themselves and their children in a safe and dignified space. Violence against women when bathing in the open or using the “bush toilet” is an issue.

First RIMERN Newsletter Jan '23

Welcome to RIMERN's first newsletter.
"It’s taken us 18 months but it’s been a very busy time since June 2021 when we opened our doors and we’re so grateful for your support, whether by donating great furniture, appliances or homewares for us to rehome to our clients needing support, by volunteering with us at the warehouse or remotely or for your vital cash donations."
Rotary Inner Melbourne Emergency Relief Network is grateful for the mentorship of our partners at Eastern Emergency Relief Network (EERN - Mitcham) and Western Emergency Relief Network (WERN – Ravenhall) in helping us get started, and to the fifteen Melbourne Rotary Clubs who have joined this exciting and impactful community service project.
RIMERN Newsletter January 2023

RI Convention -Volunteers Needed
The Convention requires a huge number of volunteers to ensure its success and are looking for more volunteers to register and be willing to undertake at least one shift of four (4) hours during the Convention. If you are able to do this, please register as a volunteer via:
All jobs, locations and shifts will be advised in the next couple of months and you will be sent a link to take you to the relevant information. You will then be able to select what suits you best. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Jane Pennington on email: than volunteering external of the Convention venue, you will need to be registered to attend the RI Convention in order to be a volunteer.


Happy Birthday to our January Rotarians:

1st: Nurur Rahman
5th: Mark Peree
11th: Garry Fabian OAM
16th: Geoff Sussman OAM
29th: Jeremiah Naidu
We hope you all had a wonderful day celebrating your birthday. 😀

What's planned for the next couple of months
20 Sept |
Wednesday |
Guest Speaker: Rotary Prahran Homework Program |
27 Sept |
Wednesday |
Mtg at the Glasshouse |
4 Oct |
Wednesday |
Club program |
11 Oct |
Wednesday |
Visit by District Governor Ron Payne |
18 Oct |
Wednesday |
Club's 49th Birthday celebration |
25 Oct |
Wednesday |
Mtg at the Glasshouse |
24 Sept |
Sunday |
Bunnings BBQ |
7 Oct |
Saturday |
Bunnings BBQ |
22 Oct |
Sunday |
Bunnings BBQ |
Wanted/needed: Fabulous Rotarian to manage the Camberwell Market Roster. Please contact Paul Rake. 0409 937 080
FIRST SHIFT 6:30-9:30am |
SECOND SHIFT 9:30am-12:30pm |
Sunday 24 Sept |
Mark Perree |
Tania Aisbett |
Sunday 29 Oct |
Michele Kennedy |
Louise Matthews |
Sunday 26 Nov |
Kathryn O'Connor |
Kathy Noble |

Rotary International Convention, Melbourne. 27-31 May 2023
Last chance to attend the Rotary International Convention that will start Saturday 27th May and run till 31st May.
BusyFeet will be performing on Satuday 27th May in the House of Friendship. For anyone not booked to attend convention, you can buy a ticket to attend the House of Friendship on the Saturday. You can also attend the House of Friendship Monday to Wednesday for free. There will be so many Rotary projects on display that it is not to be missed. We hope you can attend on one of the days.
Attendees from the club going so far are: Rosemary Johnston, Cheryl Jenkins, Lyle Chasemore, Sandi Fulcher, Frank Warner, Paul Rake, Louise Matthews
To find out more go to:
And Facebook:

Join us each Wednesday at the 'Glasshouse' Caulfield
Time: 6:15pm for 6:30pm start.
Glasshouse, 31 Station Street, Caulfield East. Parking is right across the road from the venue.

Chaddy Chatter Editor: Sandi Fulcher. Email: |