Washroom Toilets in Cambodia - UPDATE

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Rotary Chadstone East Malvern is the chair of a consortium of 18 Rotary Clubs that are working together to provide Washroom Toilets to families in Cambodia.

A Washroom Toilet is basically an Australian styled septic toilet system with a larger above ground structure. The above ground structure provides a toilet for the whole family and a safe and dignified space for women to bathe themselves and their children. The structure has a steel framed lockable door.

At this point in time there are two projects underway:


First is to build 132 Washroom Toilets in the village of Tapour. For this project Rotary Chadstone East Malvern is the International Sponsor for a Rotary Foundation Grant with a project value of $US100,400. Build Your Future Today (a Cambodian NGO that our Club has worked with for a number of years) is the connector with the village leaders. Building Washroom Toilets is part of a wider program of support as the village moves from poverty to a level of sustainability that includes education, health, family peace and social enterprises.

We are also working with the Cambodia Clean Water and Toilets Project (CCWTP) - led by Darrel “Dunny” Steer (a Queenslander who lives in Cambodia for about 10 months of each year) who has trained two teams of villagers to construct the Washroom Toilets. We are building about 20 Washroom Toilets a month in Tapour. To date we have completed 50 Washroom Toilets under the Global Grant.


The second project is in the village of Kok Beng with a Global Grant where Rotary Club of Mooroopna (Shepperton) is the International Sponsor. CCWTP is overseeing construction and village communication because it is a single activity project. We are building 10 Washroom Toilets in a month in Kok Beng.

Over the two projects we are building a new Washroom Toilet a day.


For each Washroom Toilet we receive a:

  1. Photo of the site selected by the family for the location of the new Washroom Toilet, taking into account the location of their water bore.
  2. Photo of the completed Washroom Toilet with its specific identifying number observable.
  3. Photo of the family practicing good hygiene in the washroom space.
  4. A quality check-off certificate for each completed Washroom Toilet

The photos below are of Washroom Toilet 135:

  • First photo is the family house 
  • Second and third photos are of the family
  • Fourth and fifth photos are the completed Washroom Toilet
  • Photo six is of the family practicing hand washing as part of the handover
  • Photo seven is of the completed quality checklist.

Anyone that has a question could contact Paul Rake 0409 937 080

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